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About LAI HAO Taiwan Gift Shop
LAI HAO is a brand that is inspired by Taiwan's rich cultural heritage. Our store offers a wide variety of Taiwan souvenirs, creative gifts, and unique designs that redefine Taiwanese culture. We strive to showcase the beauty and authenticity of Taiwan through our carefully curated products.
Our brand has become synonymous with authentic Taiwanese culture. We are committed to bringing the best of Taiwan to our customers. Our products are handcrafted by local artisans, and we take pride in our role in promoting the local economy. Our store is a haven for people who appreciate handcrafted items, traditional crafts, and artistic souvenirs.
Our range of products includes cultural gifts that are designed to capture the essence of Taiwan. We offer a variety of souvenirs that are both practical and beautiful. Our store features a wide range of products that are suitable for all occasions. We have something for everyone, from the discerning collector to the curious traveler.
We are proud to offer a shopping experience that lets both locals and tourists appreciate Taiwan's rich cultural heritage. Our store is a place where people can come to learn more about Taiwan's traditional crafts and artistic traditions. Our products reflect the diversity and complexity of Taiwanese culture.
At LAI HAO, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible shopping experience. We believe that our store is a place where people can come to connect with Taiwan's cultural heritage. We invite you to visit us and experience the spirit of Taiwan.
來好目前與台灣各地風格文創、伴手禮品牌合作,是台北指標性的禮品選物店。除了持續引進優質台灣設計商品,來好也開發許多與台灣文化相關的生活用品、創意小物、紀念品。來好開發的吸油面紙曾入選2018年"Packaging of the World"; 三號店「來好嶼聲」更在2020年得到 iF AWARD肯定。來好目前進駐通路包括誠品expo、台北101、昇恒昌、林百貨等台灣重要百貨通路。希望有一天,台灣百貨公司引進的都是台灣品牌;希望有一天,台灣本土文化也能輸出海外;希望有一天,台灣人能以「台灣製造」、「Made in Taiwan」感到驕傲、自豪。我們期許自己成為台灣「在地文化」對外溝通的平台,在新舊文化交融過程中,來好想擔任引言人的角色,告訴你更多精彩的台灣故事。