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Grassphere Fruit Tea (Pineapple Osmanthus Black Tea)

[100% Taiwan fruit tea] tropical fruit sweet and sour aroma

消費滿$1000元免運 on order

滿$3500,黑貓宅配到你家 on order

Grassphere|Detox Water or Tea Buy 3 for NTD$530, Buy 5 for NTD$850 on selected products

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{{ title.name_translations | translateModel }} : {{variationName[$index] | translateModel}}

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Sale NT$140

【LAI HAO】Vintage Taiwan-Style Coaster (Classic)
Sale NT$180

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屏東金鑽鳳梨 x 新北石碇桂花 x 南投紅玉紅茶

  • 100% 台灣花果茶葉,專利常溫烘乾,封存鮮果營養
  • 無添加糖、無化學添加、無人工香料
  • 天然果糖健康低負擔

  • 熱泡:以80°C~90°C熱水沖泡300cc,並悶著約6分鐘,可回沖2~3次
  • 冷泡:以400cc冷水沖泡,並等待約8小時即可飲用

  • 茶包尺寸:9 x 11.5cm
  • 茶包材質:日本高阻隔材質,安全無虞
  • 茶包特色:單包散茶包裝,更好舒展優質原料
  • 茶包內容物:鳳梨桂花紅玉紅茶(屏東金鑽鳳梨、新北石碇桂花、南投紅玉紅茶)
  • 外盒尺寸:10 x 11.5 x 4cm
  • 外盒材質:FSC驗證紙材,友善環境
  • 重量:42g

  • 單包裝內有脫氧劑,防止原料受潮,沖泡前記得取出

Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • Post Office
  • International Shipping
  • 國際快捷(依地區2-7日)
  • 7-11 Pick-up (Pickup and pay)
  • 7-11 Pick-up (Pickup only)
  • Family Mart Pick-up (Pickup and pay)
  • Family Mart Pick-up (Pickup only)
  • t-cat express
  • t-cat express (Cash on delivery)
  • LALAMOVE Speed Delivery(Taipei and New Taipei City limited. Time limited service.)
  • Hotel Delivery【Please note the latest delivery date and time】
  • LAI HAO Store Pick-up

Payment Options

  • Credit Card
  • Apple Pay
  • 7-11取貨付款
  • Pay on Family Mart Store Pickup (C2C)
  • LINE Pay(Taiwan Account Only)
  • Credit Card Installment
  • 黑貓宅配(貨到付款)
  • PayPal Express

Customer Reviews

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